PhotoTagStudio 0.7 released

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Today I released the new version of PhotoTagStudio with a lot of stability and usability enhancements and the ability of changing exif time and date data.

Some more new features are:

  • Support for drag and drop from PTS to other applications (e.g. the explorer).
  • Navigating from picture to picture in the current folder with the PageDown and PageUp keys.
  • Deleting files from within PTS with a Button and the Del key (don’t worry, you will be asked again before deleting and deleting means moving to the recycle bin!)
  • Since PTS contains more and more features form version to version some of them are now by default hidden. Take a look at the configuration dialog or use the right-click-context-menu on the tab header on the right side if you are looking for a missing feature.


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